I did something kinda stupid for Joey’s birthday and I realized I hadn’t told many people about it. He turned 6 and I went to old L-burg for his birthday party. Well what to get him for a birthday present was kinda puzzling to me. He’s outgrowing Thomas the Train. The Cars fad is passing. I refuse to buy Power Rangers or Airbender, the Last Avatar. So I was in Target debating between knights figurines in full heraldic gear or a chemistry set. Now I always wanted a chemistry set as a kid and my parents never bought one. But back in my day they still put several “dangerous” chemicals in there. Today they have dried cabbage juice and citric acid (which are both edible substances). But I’m going off on a tangent again. Anyway, I got the “Color Changing Volcano” chemistry set cause I’m sure Joey would love the foaming/fizzing/explosion of a volcano, and I’m thinking what kid doesn’t love color changing stuff. *Palms Face* My nephew is colorblind. I forgot that fact until I’m mixing stuff with him and something is supposed to change from blue to purple… which is does, but of course he can’t tell that it changed colors. Duh!!! I had totally forgotten that when I picked it out. But he liked it when I made stuff fizz. And he could tell the purple from the red. So I guess it wasn’t a total loss, but it wasn’t the hit I hoped it would be.