I have infrequently found a nonfiction book read practically like a novel. I just finished Bringing Down the House. If it sounds familiar there are trailers for the movie 21 kinda based on the book which is based kinda on real life events. It follows a kid who was recruited from MIT as a card counter to work in Las Vegas. I also recognized one of the team from her guest starring on NCIS last year. LOL. She plays Kianna who is a character from the book that really intrigued me. I felt the book kinda glanced over the respect and admiration that the main character had for her. They weren’t close friends, but Kevin (renamed Ben in the movie) seemed to really respect her ability with numbers. And they weren’t all training at the same time in the film. Kevin was brought in as a new member to an existing team and he really aspired to be as good as Kianna.
I got this book from Bookins and I placed it back on the list when I got done reading it and it immediately got taken.