Been checking out Craigslist for possible places to rent in Kennesaw. Laura’s looking into them. Also we need to look at the paper I guess.
I wanted to just ramble a bit on Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles season finale. Go to like 36 minutes in (if you can access Hulu site or you can see it here since won’t let me embed video from the Hulu site). The fight scene of the FBI swat vs the Terminator is very art-sy, but probably something that was very cheap and quick to film.
Today I learned what a Demonym is.
Also got a hit from a book I sent out with a BookCrossing sticker on it. Yay! It’s in Ohio now.
Oh and Web 2.0 Apps voting. I love looking at the nominations and going “What is that?”
I also got curious about the phrase, Going to see a man about a dog today.
Our WiFi network “River” isn’t wanting to stay up tonight. Grrr. We name our networks after our pets and we went through a routers like candy for while. We were really good at killing them and then we’d have to rename them every time we reset them as well. So we went through all our pets names, Teddy, Boo, Rascal, McDonald and had to start on our friend’s pets names. So with the Bohnet’s 4 pets as the next victims we ended up with it working once we hit River (actually she might have been the first one we tried).