Not that I really should expect the books to be posted this week, but I’ve started so now I’m keeping count. Day 10, iBooks not yet posted. Looks like the World of Warcraft book was downloaded 5 times yesterday. So yay for activity.
Had Thanksgiving at a friend’s house. Did a lot of the kitchen prep work. Hey, I can wield a knife just fine. I just can’t cook. Anyway I’m getting sleepy and it’s not even midnight yet. Dang turkey.
On the pet battles book I’m writing. I’ve got through the Pandaria trainers pasted into the book. Still need to work on Beasts of Fable & The Celestial Tournament. And layout. But I got a bit of work done last night. Today I’ve been cleaning out my RSS feed reader. I’m about a week and a half behind there.
I’ve changed my theme on the blog to a Christmasy one to hopefully put me in the mood for it. I’m hopefully going to try to do the NaBloPoMo into December. Try for a post a day.
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