Working more on the Alt Appreciation. This time it’s the Hunters.
Hunterbook my newest level 90. She makes #8.
Huntingbook my level 16 goblin hunter on Earthen Ring. She doesn’t get played very much.
Huntingbook who’s level 12 on Trollbane server. One evening friends & I decided to see the Horde ending of the Panda starting zone since we were complaining the Horde appeared more sympathetic in the Panda start zone. As my friend declared “Garrosh is a dick.” Varian at least is kinda friendly and “can you knock me down?” Garrosh is “go fight these huge creatures to prove your worth.”
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your catching up I have 9 90’s. but I do have a 83 lock that I am bringing along slowly
Grats. Right now I can’t compete with anyone. Just too sad.