My 2 predictions for the next World of Warcraft expansion were:
- The Burning Legion – I mean Wrathion pretty much flat out said they were coming.
- wibbly-wobbley-timey-whimy kinds of things…
Looks like I get to combine them a bit.
Basic premise of the new expansion: Garrosh escapes and with the help of a “friend” goes back in Draenor time to stop the orcs from drinking the blood of Mannoroth. He creates his new ideal of an Iron Horde.
It’s was slipped in one of the panels that the “friend” was Kariozdormu. Most of us level 90s probably know him better as Kairoz from the Timeless Isle who gives us the strange vision quests.
I’m excited to see quite a few things along with the new story.
- New character models. There’s a possibility not all will be ready at launch, but they are quite a bit better with real facial movement. And the gnomes! the new female gnome models.
- Garrisons. These kinda seem like a cross between the farm and SWTOR’s missions for your companions. Not really sure how the levels, qualities and adventurers are going to work out, but sounds interesting.
- Collections. OMG I need this now. Toybox UI, Heirloom UI, being able to favorite mounts.
- Increasing profession supplies stack size.
- Quest items are no longer in your bag!!! I’m sold right here.
Missed a few days for NaBloPoMo, but getting back into the grove.
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