I missed Alt Appreciation when it was early enough for Death Knight week. So with NaBloPoMo I’m going to resurrect the ones I missed in order to give me material. So first up I’d like to present…. The Death Knights.
First off is Badbook… Or as her guild note says, “Non NYT bestseller” <3 Eledryn for that one. Currently level 90 and level 482. She was my second level 80 in Wrath and my primary alt for that expansion. She has the Precious’s Ribbon shirt because of that and she was the only one who got Kingslayer while it was current content.. And in some random stroke of fate (also know as the evil random number generator) she got the 553 tier pants off the celestials. Probably will be the only 553 tier pants I will see all expansion because of that.
Littlebook is on Feathermoon where some friends of mine played. She’s level 61. I just tend to stick to Earthen Ring.
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