So what am I doing today. I worked… There’s 12.5 hours (without counting travel time) gone right there. I’m 12 hours flipped from a “normal life”. My day starts at 3:00 PM when the alarm goes off…. I NEVER get up when my alarm goes off. My alarm is an abused thing. The snooze get used a lot. Then I have to squeeze in any Warcraft dailies I’m meaning to do and try to leave for food by 4:30 pm. Eat & write if I’m inclined. I’ve got 1 iBook in Beta review and another in the writing process. The general World of Warcraft book is LONG. 138 pages. Hopefully the Hearthstone book is a lot shorter. Actually I’ve got a lot of it done currently. 3 heroes left to write for. Need to buff up the abilities sections, but I’m getting a lot closer. Anyway try to head for work at 6 PM. Sit and type/surf the net until time to clock in at 6:53 PM. Then it’s work, work, work with the rare bit of writing or reading until 7:30 am. Then it’s drive home and to bed and start the cycle over at 3 PM.
Yesterday I finished Pro Pet Mob achievement in World of Warcraft while doing some pet battle dailies. I also managed to finish leveling my Nether Fairie Dragon, Flayer Youngling and my Infinite Whelpling. I had insomnia a bit. I woke up after about 4 hours sleep. So I got a bit done.
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