Ok so I just found the blog’s Alt Apprecation thread going on. I have a confession. Outside of Wow Insider I don’t follow a lot of the World of Warcraft bloggers. Not even rogue ones. And this one is Rogue week. Though I can’t profess Book as an alt. She’s a main. But she’s one of the Library (what I call my alts).
I actually do have a rogue alt. A level 18 rogue called…. Roguebook. She was created one day when I was bored. All I can say was… HOW DID I EVER LEVEL BOOK IN THE FIRST PLACE. I mean I know rogues. And this is AFTER the Cataclysm redesign of leveling. I was dying a lot until I got weapons upgrade and this was at level 5… I ended up springing for heirloom weapons on her because you level a rogue by killing things quicker than they kill you.
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