World of #Warcraft Patch 5.4: Siege of Orgrimmar arrives September 10!
— World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) August 21, 2013
I am one of the people very happy with the delay. Granted I still have to work the night of the 10th so I still miss the first two of my guild’s raid nights in the new raid. I’m really hoping after such a long break that we are back up to 25 man raids. I was kinda surprised they they were initially looking to release a new patch before the Labor Day holiday here in the US. This could mean if something broke with the patch they possibly would have to work over the holiday.
Welcome back @Twitter Triggers.
— IFTTT (@IFTTT) August 21, 2013
Twitter triggers Oh, how I’ve missed you! Now I can trash those ways I had to hack together to get my Twitter to archive to my Evernote. Each tweet will go in the note it’s supposed to!!! Oh, Happy Day.
Worked on the book again today. Got the Death Knight section roughed out. As it’s the first of the class sections I’ve attempted it’s the roughest one. Got the Forsaken Undead race section done, so that’s 4 races done. I’ve also started work on the Auction House section. The hard part on that will be pulling myself back from too much information as it’s one of my current WoW focuses. I spent a lot of time out of my hotel room today just so they would clean it. So I got a bit done on the book. 😀 I sent off copies of the book to 2 friend to proofread. (If anyone has access to iBooks on the iPad let me know and I’ll include you on the beta readers list).
Though I may have discovered that Mail didn’t send them. 🙁 Anyway did the Fashionista PoV on the new Tier 16 gear. I’m wanting ALL the new monk tier gear.
I leveled my monk a few levels.