Worked. After I got up discovered housing isn’t rehousing me.
Updates on CLCInfo, DeathNote, Symbiosis, and Retribution FCFS helper (clcret) on the add on department.
My MacBookPro is crashing whenever I log into World of Warcraft. Apparently they fixed PC issues & messed up the Macs. So I broke out the beast.
Hunterbook – Leatherworkiing CD Boots of Alacrity
Shammybook – Inscription CD Glyph of Aspect of the Pack
Shubook – did my monk daily xp quest.
Got Nature, Holy & Shepard gemmed & enchanted in case the alt run wants her.
Book – tried for the alt run with OG, but it didn’t make. Veritas took Book for Council & Tortos. Got the One-UP achievement. No loots though
Badbook – leveled with Nos some. She’s 86.
Got DMF professions done on Shifty, Hunter, Mage & Shammy. Also got Shifty’s mining to 75.