Saturday night is my Skype night with my RL friends now that we are scattered more across the US. We frequently do things in WoW as well. I was in a leveling mood so I suggested brand new alts on a new server. My friend Ashnew stated she’d never picked Horde side on a Panda to see how the joining that faction story went. So we went over to Trollbane to roll level 1 panda. I had a cute little hunter. Ashnew decided she’d try a mage (yes the warrior was going to try to pew, pew). Bluemoon made a monk (on ER she has one in her upper 80’s). We got through the Wandering Isle and introduced ourselves to Garrosh. The words from Ashnew was “he’s a dick.” I totally agree. Anyway it was fun hanging out with them.
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That sounds like so much fun. I wish I could do that with some people.
Sometimes we do different stuff such as dungeon crawls. 🙂 but it’s fun.
You mean different games? Like dungeon crawlers?
I meant dungeon crawls in WoW. One member of the crew only has a Mac so we can’t play SWTOR which is like the only other game we all play.
Dungeon crawlers like D3?