I’m getting the urge to update about my World of Warcraft characters… Aka Book and the Library. I’ve done this quite a few times before.
First up is Book. You may notice if you go back through the old posts that she looks quite different now. She sort of got a big bonk on the head when she first arrived in Panderia and woke up looking like the locals. Since it helped her to blend in she left it be. Still specialized in Assassination with a minor in Combat.
Tatianaseray is now level 51. Fury & Prot. Still have a hard time leveling her though.
Bookocurses also looks a bit differently from my last post. She’s 86 now and a worgen. In Cataclysm all we needed was a worgen warlock to finish the guild achievement of all available races & classes at max level & honored with the guild. I had the level & rep so I paid for a race change. She’s going back Destro though with the changes to warlocks.
Bankbook resides at level 4 with major AH addons. 🙂
Booktrey now level 72. Hopefully before much longer I will have her leveled more. With the bonus XP from all her heirlooms. I’m leveling her as Prot same as Holy.
Shepardbook is up to level 90. She’s Disc/Shadow at the moment. Though I still dislike Shadow. I’ve got her up to Throne of Thunder LFR level gear. I’m going to really hate giving up that staff. It makes my Shadowfiend/Mindbender a tiny little Sha. I love it!!!!
Naturebook is also up to level 90. She’s my second best geared character so she’s kinda my second main. She’s mainspec’d Resto with a boomer offspec.
Badbook is still 85. She was my 2nd level 80 & 2nd to level 85. Still Blood/Unholy. I need to make time to level her.
Holybook is now up to level 90. She’s my third best geared character kinda my 3rd main 😀 She’s mainspec Holy with a Protection off-spec.
Shiftybook is now up to level 39. I never seem to have time to play her as well.
Shubook is new to this gallery. She’s my windwalker monk. Up to level 53 cause monks are so easy to level with the Enlightenment XP bonus.
Hunterbook is now up to level 85. Still Beastmastery.
Magebook is now up to 40. She’s Fire now. Still having problems leveling her despite my RNG pick which alt to work on seems to pick her alot.
Shammybook is now level 80. Still Elemental/Resto.
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