So I’m not in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandera Beta yet, but I’ve been keeping up with the armor sets that have been coming out. I must say I’m enjoying several aspects of the designs of the new sets.
Cloth sets
I love the helm with this set. Very simple yet works incredibly well with the theme. My first love was the White one.
But then I fell for the red one.
But then again the Blue one is growing on me.
Leather sets
The one is my main & my main alt’s concern (rogue + boomkin/resto druid) so I have much love & interest in these sets.
Leather 1 to me comes across as very blah. It does have a stylized Shogun Helm, but then again I’m not a big fan of that. I really disliked the Light set & also didn’t care for the Red set. However the Brown & Dark were the least offensive to my personal style & there’s very little difference here between sets so I’m just posting screenshots of the ones I liked best.
Leather set 2 was the one I was really looking forward to.
It’s got an interesting look with the single shoulder plate.
The helm I don’t really care for but it will be hidden for Book.
The hardest part may be choosing a color to wear. I want it all!
But I must say that I adore the Indigo.
References: Wowhead News