As most of you know as an icebreaker question for most applicants I ask everyone to recommend me a book; I mean you almost got to expect this from someone named Book. 🙂 I got to poking through trying to find past recommendations where I’ve stored them in Evernote, on Post-it notes, in the margins of my gear lists for my alts, the sample books downloaded to my Kindle app, etc. Granted the Evernote & Kindle sample ones were easiest to find. So I tried to put together the list & thought I’d share. They are in no particular order.
- Books of the Rhi Kirah by Carol Berg (Transformation, Revelation, & Restoration)
- The Lost Symbols by Dan Brown
- Angels & Demons
- Go Ask Alice
- Song of Fire & Ice
- books by George RR Martin
Hunger GamesSon of Neptune- Wheel of Time by Robert Jordan/Brandon Sanderson
- Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind
- Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy
- Kingkiller series by Rothfuss
- RA Salvatore Drizzt chronicles
- Christine Feehan’s “Dark” series
JD Robb’s “In Death” series- Captain Nemo  [sampled & didn’t get whole book]
Plato & a Platypus Walk into a Bar  [sampled & didn’t get whole book]The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo seriesUltramarathon Man[sampled & didn’t get whole book]Dresden Files series- Without Remorse by Tom Clancy
- Terry brooks Sword of Shannara/ Elfstones of Shannara,ELF Queen of Shannara, Druid of Shannara, Scions of Shannara
- Atlas ShruggedMe Talk Pretty One Day by David Sedaris
My goal is to read at least 60 books this year. I am currently at 14 which has me currently ahead of my target goal schedule. I’m also trying to slowly work on a list of Top 100 books. Some I’ve read over the course of literature courses in high school & college; Some I’m not too certain I’ll find translated into English.
Book’s Amazon Kindle public profile
Pinterest list