While I can spout off such things as what is the basic stat you want (ie Agility, Strength, Intellect) for each spec a lot of the “finer” details I have to research. So I thought I’d share some sources I currently use.
WoW-Heroes http://www.wow-heroes.com
Guild Ox http://www.guildox.com
I kinda like these sites to tell me where i should concentrate on. Green zone should be easier content. Yellow zone should be doable, but a bit of a challenge at your gear level. Red should not be attempted unless you have the group’s full consent. A world top 100 raiding guild might be able to waltz through red content, but most guilds will not progress though it until it’s at yellow level. I knew one guild that if you wanted to PUG with them you had to be yellow for the content before they would take you. I think that’s reasonable.
Of course my warlock got dragged into ICC10 when she still had blues & greens in her gear. But it was a case of they needed magic ranged dps for Lady Deathwhisper & my newly 80 warlock was the only available option outside of trade chat luck. Basically the other 9 guildies knew they were dragging my warlock through & were okay with it.