What I first thought of when I saw this were the terrifying stone angels in the Doctor Who episode “Blink.” Grifiend stated that they look like The Big O (which I had to go look up as I’m pretty much an anime newb even though I associate with @Quutar). I agree but it wasn’t what first pop’ed in my mind. The spiky setting sun is a great touch. The only changed I really noticed between the male & female models was the female mask showed the chin while the male did not showing the goatee of the mask instead. I enjoy the masks on the shoulders.
The yellow one is my favorite. Really not feeling the purple version. I’m probably one of the few people who don’t care for a purple/red color combination. I could never be a red hat society member unless they allowed me to wear black instead of purple (heck I’ll probably be driving a motorcycle if I make it to 50).

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