Went to the mall with Jennifer today. Met her for lunch. Hung out with her until Jared got off work. Then we spent about 30 min just the 3 of us. Until Saba got off work. Then Jenn went with Saba & Jared & I went to Chipoltle then to his house to eat. Then he was on Flournd & alliance won VoA. He got Bad into VoA 10 & 25. Nothing dropped for her, but hey free badges. He also got Booktoo into a VoA 25. She really wasn’t geared for it. Not hit capped. Still in Blues & Greens. Nothing but badges on her. I did 2 randoms for her & got her the hit trinket. Also got superior achievement & the Greedy achievement. I looked at Bad’s badge count & I was able to buy her 3 pieces of the Tier 10 set. Went with the shoulders, chest piece & pants. Not I have to gem & enchant them up.
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- Update on my day (tatianamik.wordpress.com)