- Image via Wikipedia
Class specific buffs become craftable items
- Drums of Forgotten Kings (Leatherworking) – Heavy Borean Leather x 8, Icy Dragonscale x 8 – Gives all members of the raid or group the Blessing of Forgotten Kings, increasing total stats by 8% for 30 min. This is your new Blessing of Kings when you don’t have a Paladin.
- Drums of the Wild (Leatherworking) – Heavy Borean Leather x 4, Jormungar Scale x 20 – Gives the Gift of the Wild to all party and raid members, increasing armor by 750, all attributes by 37 and all resistances by 54 for 1 hr. Going Druidless, and lacking Gift of the Wild? Drums of the Wild will get you there.
Inscription gets a version of Power Word: Fortitude, but looks like Leatherworking got my favorite buffs.