- 01:43:45: Wow! New mailboxes in Stormwind!
- 03:52:17: Most everyone knows I love Evernote & Instapaper. Now you can send to both directly from Google Reader!!! http://digg.com/u1AhXt
- 04:10:29: Interesting. Goth Bellydancing. http://digg.com/u1AhZz What won’t they come up with.
- 04:26:11: Going to bed. @ Fontana Ln & Philadelphia Rd http://loopt.us/1__KDg.t
- 04:32:21: Boo is posing for PlayKitteh http://flic.kr/p/6PzM8s
- 04:37:08: They preview Flickr links in Gmail now. http://digg.com/u1Ahe3
- 11:56:35: SLFN: primOptic: I did a little happy dance when I saw that Nibb Tardis of primOptic had dropped some coupo.. http://digg.com/u1AiwB
- 14:11:43: I woke up today with 5 minutes left before the Naxx run.
- 15:23:54: @Billtcat69 You have to have loopt on your phone.
- 15:40:05: I got my Tier shoulders!!!
- 18:09:22: @lethann That doesn’t look standard issue military.
- 18:13:21: We need boxhab. @ Eaglewalk Ct & Rossville Blvd http://loopt.us/_qvRFQ.t
- 18:16:53: Someone was helping me in Naxx http://flic.kr/p/6PU1pv
- 18:32:44: Ok. Shower. Then I’m running Ragefire Chasm (if I can get in) and Wailing Caverns. Cause rumors are Orgimar & t (cont) http://tl.gd/d24q
- 19:32:47: Banging my head on the door at Ragefire Chasm.
- 23:09:11: Why am I so tired? I’ve only been up for 9 hours.
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