- 01:05:28: How GeekSugar would wire Bella Swan. I am amused. http://digg.com/u1Abmu
- 01:58:40: Boo thinks he is human sitting on the couch. http://flic.kr/p/6PytHm
- 02:44:44: @Luthi awwww. Yours are being cute too….
- 03:21:15: R.I.P. Caramon or as he was probably better known as Snooch from Two Lumps. http://digg.com/u1AcLt
- 04:23:34: In #WoW this is the first time I’ve got to poision my blades in 2 weeks.
- 13:59:28: SLFN: Naive:
I’ve confessed my terrible preppy secret to you before so I won’t go into it agai.. http://digg.com/u1Af2Y - 15:23:36: Boo’s giving me nose kisses like Ceasar used to.
- 16:09:15: Hollywood execs are being stupid again. http://digg.com/d110maF
- 17:20:45: Not sure you can see it but Yellow Brick Rd http://twitpic.com/dwdpd
- 19:25:23: My expierment of living without a real TV is going better now that I have Internet.
- 20:29:46: Time for laundry for me.
- 20:48:41: Boo just tried to make a break for it.
- 23:41:51: $1.50 to wash & $1.75 to dry. And you have to put money on a special card for it. What a rip off. I’ve been spoiled by having a W&D.
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