- 09:05:44: My iPhone went from 75% charge to dead. It took about 15 min to be able to call mom back.
- 11:52:15: @devlynmoreland that’s good stuff. 🙂 enjoy watching it.
- 11:54:37: @demonasolace yeah him & McD are chatters. Boo is a whiner. I have vocal boys.
- 11:58:06: @devlynmoreland my boys don’t have the excuse of being Siamese.
- 12:47:35: Way too full of himself. http://twitpic.com/daefk
- 12:48:43: @devlynmoreland @amela_book @lethann @ottom Did anyone check out CardStar in the App Store?
- 12:50:24: @devlynmoreland I bet. Airplanes canbe freaky when you are in their flight path. Luckily the airport I grew up next to primary crop dusting
- 12:54:52: McD is full of himself http://flic.kr/p/6N91yx
- 13:46:15: Why do I always want chick-fil-a on a Sunday?
- 16:17:50: Going to see GI Joe.
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