Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 08:50 Bought internet for a few hours. Uploading some photos to flickr.. #
- 10:14 Blog post on Trip so far bit.ly/KtsjG #
- 10:21 Really glad I paid for some WiFi. And that I had Skype on my phone. Talked to my mom & @Amelia_book this morning & didn’t have to rush. #
- 10:55 Photos now available. www.flickr.com/photos/abc/sets/72157618880407619/ #
- 13:57 About to go out. #
- 17:25 I love my eyefi card, but did you know you can also use it with @Evernote ? #evernote_eyefi More info: bit.ly/2Jtu2 #
- 17:28 Blister on my toe. I’m going to have to get off my feet a while. My ankle is swollen. #
- 19:43 I love having wifi on the lobby. #
- 19:45 @Billtcat69 that was the 6am photos. Check again. There are some of us up now. #
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