Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 01:00 How blonde an I? I left my purse @lethann’s #
- 01:17 @lethann I’ll get it tomorrow. Says alot about me. Got my laptop, forgot the purse. #
- 04:28 I want this. So cool. digg.com/u1390T #
- 15:29 @devlynmoreland hope she’s ok. #
- 15:29 @demonasolace yeah! Congrats. #
- 16:14 I thought Book had about 100 more Gold than what she had when I logged on this morning. #
- 16:16 oh, Duh! I forgot about all the Grand Master stuff I trained in last night. Forgot how expensive that was. #wow #
- 16:24 Boo & Mcdonald sleeping nose to nose. twitpic.com/51xwd #
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