Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 00:58 I had a dream I lost 2 levels on my main character in WoW. #
- 01:09 @demonasolace LIke utter crap. Headache bad. #
- 03:03 I just was able to kill a devilsaurs in Un’Goro Crater. You know the ones you don’t see until a foot steps on you. #
- 03:16 Woosh!!!! I hit 57. Only one more level then I abandon all my quests in my quest log and head to Outlands. #
- 08:55 I am Lvl 57 & around halfway to 58. Wonder if I can get my lvl 80 friends to help me do some dungeons later this week? #
- 09:23 www.watchdollhouseweek.com/ (via @drhorrible) #
- 14:40 @lethann no and I was with Dem & Smalt right before it started. I thought it was an officers meeting. #
- 15:27 @lethann What’s up??? #
- 16:52 @ottom ???? #
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