- Image via Wikipedia
Yes, I made it to Ambassador of the Alliance! Ok so my goals are so far.
- Collect lots of pets
- Loremaster title (it will be a while yet, but I’m 467/700 for the Eastern Kingdom & for 287/700 Kalimdor)
- Level 80 (now at 52)
- Explorer title (it will still be a while yet)
- Grand Master in professions (Master skinner already, Master Herbalist, Artisan First Aid, Artisan Fisherman, Artisan Cooking)
- Un’Goro Soil (yellow) – Have to go to Un’Goro to collect
- Collection of the Corrupt Water (yellow) – collect water
- The Corruption of the Jadefire (yellow) – kill Jadefire people
- Verifying the Corruption (yellow) – kill some beasts
- Cleansing Felwood (orange)
- Speak to Nafien (orange) – speak to the Timbermaw
- Arcane Runes (yellow) – done in Azshara
- A Little Slime Goes a Long Way (yellow) – done in Un’Goro Crater
- The Smoldering Ruins of Thaurissan (yellow) – done in Burning Steppes
- Vyletongue Corruption (green, dungeon)
- The Pariah’s Instructions (green, dungeon)
- Sealed Azure Bag (yellow) – done in Azshara
Sunken Tmple
- The God Hakkar (yellow, dungeon)
Western Plaguelands
- Target: Felstone Field (yellow) – Tried to get to the area where these are and I got jumped by much higher level things
- A Plague Upon Thee (orange)
- All Along the Watchtowers (orange)