- Image via Wikipedia
- Timbermaw Ally (yellow) – Kill bunch of things & return
- Forces of Jaedenar (yellow) – Kill bunch of things & return
- The Corruption of the Jadefire (orange) – Kill bunch of things & return
- Verifying the Corruption (orange) – Explore certain area, Kill bunch of things & return
- Cleansing Felwood (red) – Collect Blood Amber
- A Call to Arms: The Plaugelands! (yellow) – report to Commandar Ashlam Valorfist at Chillwind Camp. I have the flight path so this should be fairly easy.
- A Little Slime Goes a Long Way (yellow, complete) – just need to turn in in Ironforge, plus gives 350 Rep for the Gnomes
- Arcane Runes (yellow) – Done in Azshara
- Shadowshard Fragments (green, dungeon)
- Twisted Evils (green, dungeon)
- Vyletongue Corruption (green, dungeon)
- The Pariah’s Instructions (yellow, dungeon)
- Corruption of Earth & Seed (yellow, dungeon)
- A Simple Request (yellow) – have to go to Ravenholdt Manor & speak to someone.
Stormwind City
- Assisting Arch Druid Staghelm (yellow) – go to Darnassus & speak to someone
Sunken Temple
- The God Hakkar (orange, dungeon)
The Hinterlands
- Skulk Rock Clean-up (yellow) – I’ve gotten 7/10 of the Green Sludge oozes & 6/10 of the Jade Ooze killed. Just need to finish it up.
- The Altar of Zul (yellow) – just got to run into an area & return
Again my goals:
- Collect lots of pets
- Get Ambassador title. Already exalted with Ironforge, Stormwind & Darnassus. Still need Gnomes (17,177/21,000) & Exodar (11,209/21,000).
- Loremaster title (it will be a while yet, but I’m 446/700 for the Eastern Kingdom & for 230/700 Kalimdor)
- Level 80 (now at 50!)
- Explorer title (it will still be a while yet)
- Grand Master in professions (Master skinner already, Master Herbalist, Artisan First Aid, Expert Artisan Fisherman, Expert Artisan Cooking)