- Image by zyphichore via Flickr
Ok. Doing an update (sort of) of my previous post on my quests and their progress. Again, current goals in game for my toon Book on Earthen Ring. (WoW Armory link)
- Collect lots of pets
- Get Ambassador title. Already exalted with Ironforge, Stormwind & Darnassus. Still need Gnomes (16,209/21,000) & Exodar (9,908/21,000).
- Loremaster title (it will be a while yet, but I’m 425/700 for the Eastern Kingdom & for 215/700 Kalimdor)
- Level 80
- Explorer title (it will still be a while yet)
- Grand Master in professions (Master skinner already, Master Herbalist, Artisan First Aid, Expert Fisherman, Expert Cooking)
- The Star, The Hand, The Heart (green, group) – I got the ones in Alterac Mountains & Theramore solo, I still need the one from Stranglethorne Vale.
- Tremors of the Earth (yellow) – I’ve gotten the Sign of the Earth, Amethyst Runestone & Opal Runestone so far. From reading when i use the 3 runestones it will spawn 2 level 50 dragons, which at this point I CANNOT solo (Level 46 Rogue). But it will give me a good leather chestpiece as a reward.
- Down the Scarlet Path (grey) – one Bill gave me. Starts a quest chain that would give me a Sword (Sword of Serenity) or a Dagger (Black Menace) Plus a decent amount of Rep with Exodar & Gnomes. Currently using daggers Gut Ripper & Sacrificial Kris of the Monkey
- Arcane Runes (orange) – Actually done in Azshara. Book might get eaten alive right now in this area
- Shadowshard Fragments (green, dungeon)
- Twisted Evils (yellow, dungeon)
- Vyletongue Corruption (yellow, dungeon)
- The Pariah’s Instructions (yellow, dungeon)
- Corruption of Earth & Seed (orange, dungeon)
Rut’theran Village
- Favored of Elune? (yellow) – collect stuff from the Hinterlands
Stranglethorne Vale
- Stranglethorn Fever (green) – have several gorilla fangs, just haven’t been in the mood for it
- Mai’Zoth (yellow) – had trouble killing this ogre solo
- Whiskey Slim’s Lost Grog (yellow) – done up in the Hinterlands
- Cortello’s Riddle (orange) – done in Lordaeron in the Hinterlands
- Stoley’s Shipment (green)
The Hinterlands
- Witherbark Cages (green)