Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 03:28 @Amelia_book @lethann shall I wake you up at 8 am for pancakes? Though at this rate you will still be up. #
- 07:39 Leaving the hospital. Pancakes!!!! #
- 08:40 I have a table at ihop. #
- 08:43 RT <LenEdgerly> Good rundown of what’s ahead for iPhone 3.0 software: bit.ly/19jGwL (via @adamcurry) #
- 08:43 @lethann ok. I am here. #
- 09:10 @erroch I am told to ask Did you have good dreams last night. #
- 09:23 @erroch I am about to go to bed myself. Been up all night. #
- 21:01 @demonasolace glad you are home safe even if your bedroom is trashed. #
- 22:56 @demonasolace if you need the comp specs. Go to the apple then about this computer. #
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