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Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 01:09 McDonald’s being cute under the covers. #
- 01:37 Burn After Reading I turned it off. It wasn’t even funny for a black comedy. #
- 09:48 I need to go out and get cat food #
- 10:12 @ottom I’m up for it. As long as cat food shopping will be done after. #
- 10:20 @ottom up IHOP is closer to my place. Why don’t we meet there? #
- 10:24 @danabrit Arizona Cardinals #
- 11:08 I am setting next to a 17 day old little boy. His first big trip out of the house. #
- 11:43 @demonasolace oh no!!!! #
- 11:45 @demonasolace agh. Did dave sabotagge it? #
- 13:57 @demonasolace And that’s why you need to move to ATL #
- 15:48 SLFN: +Plus:
So it’s my monthly update . School is fun, it just soaks up a lot of energy.
We have a .. ping.fm/s1ecH # - 16:26 @lethann I am in the Mac section. #
- 20:48 @demonasolace Was it saying that through facebook? It’s a phishing site. They’ve had a lot of that scam happening recently. #
- 20:50 @demonasolace Your photos aren’t there, they want your username/password. Then they hack into your account and post that to all friends #
- 20:52 @demonasolace It wasn’t your friend who posted. It was your friend who’s account got hacked. #
- 20:55 @demonasolace tinyurl.com/595p9m #
- 22:01 @Amelia_Book We were discussing this over pancakes this morning. #
- 22:57 @Amelia_Book That’s after he ate so many treats that he threw up. #
- 23:41 @wilw My cats want all doors open. Including closets. #
- 23:51 It’s midnight and I’m hungry. Anyone want to go out for food??? #
- 23:52 @lethann photo when you’re done before you go to bed then. #
- 23:53 @lethann Anything else open besides Steak & Shake? #
- 23:54 @lethann k. thanks #
- 23:58 @lethann That’s what I get for passing out and sleeping the evening away. #
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