Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 03:57 Overheard:
1: Are you pregnant?
2: No it’s not a do it yourself project. # - 04:35 Overheard at work:
1: Peeing like Niagra Falls
2: The Canadian side or the American side? # - 19:47 @lethann I like Tweetie but it is paid. #
- 19:50 @lethann I like ping.fm for posting to multiple places. Like Plurk & Twitter & Facebook status, but you don’t get everyone else. #
- 20:17 @lethann do we need to go get you an iTunes gift card. #
- 20:25 Can I beat up this computer at work? #
- 20:40 Watching the presidential ball at work. During first dance, I tried to read Obama’s lips. I think he told Michelle “I love you” #
- 23:17 @Amelia_Book did you hit McD with the water or something else? #
- 00:57 @amelia_book no you’d throw the cats. #
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