Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 03:37 I have been so busy tonight that I haven’t had time to check plurk or Twitter. #
- 16:27 @lethann I am going out with coworkers tonight. One of them is moving away. #
- 16:52 New post on my blog: Software wish ping.fm/yEv5z #
- 16:59 Going out tonight with a bunch of coworkers. Going to Dante’s Down the Hatch. Which is supposed to be a fondue resturant. #
- 17:22 I just love Two Lumps. ping.fm/HDDKm But then again I’m owned by 3 cats. #
- 17:23 iTunes: How about some Shania Twain? Me: How did this get in my iTunes. iTunes: Don’t ask me I just play it. #
- 17:47 SL Fash Note: Software wish: Okay I’m dreaming about software again.
1. Mac compatable.
2. S.. tinyurl.com/6wr4jg # - 19:05 @quutar Cause Melting pot is right near the house. #
- 21:39 Dante’s really nice. We met the owner as well. He is hilarious. #
- 22:08 @lethann we warned you about doing it in weird positions. #
- 23:31 Trying to get into SL. Keep crashing. #
- 23:37 Someone stop me now. I’m wanting it. ping.fm/bTXBr #
- 23:42 ping.fm/p/9YzVs #
- 23:46 @demonasolace But, but, but. My laptop is over 4 years old. #
- 23:50 ping.fm/p/du0hE #
- 23:50 @demonasolace unless Patrick wants it to program iPhone games. #
- 23:56 ping.fm/p/gY122 #
- 00:02 ping.fm/p/J7wvU #
- 00:06 But I have a good functioning iBook, and I don’t really need to spend $3000…. #
- 00:24 ping.fm/p/XXWJE #
- 01:02 I am throwing Rascal. Cause he’s being a brat. But I did make sure to aim for something soft. #
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