Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 02:49 Drunken apples to apples is much fun. #
- 12:57 Ready to head to Hueys #
- 14:53 The deer mafia has a price out on @devlynmoreland ‘s head. #
- 14:54 @demonasolace got lost going to her own house. #
- 19:48 @erroch Preetttyyyyyyy. #
- 20:14 We’re in Leeds, AL. We are almost zombies. Our brains are asleep. #
- 23:11 Home but Boo is missing. #
- 23:13 @devlynmoreland. No not under bed. No response to treats either. #
- 23:18 Thew door was open for a little while before we left & he wasn’t here when we got back. #
- 23:19 I just walked the neighborhood shaking the treats and calling for him. Couldn’t find him. #
- 23:36 Boo is home!!! #
- 23:45 Boo is home and looking good. twitpic.com/123ox #
- 23:47 Mcdonald and Rascal are having a fit hissing at everyone. Me & Boo & each other. #
- 23:50 Man take 1 cat out of the equation for 3 days and the whole dominance order of the pack gets screwed up. #
- 23:55 ping.fm/p/UkkS7 – My photo for if I ever need a missing poster for that cat #
- 23:59 ping.fm/p/Djj9o – McDonald not wanting to take a Missing Cat photo #
- 00:01 ping.fm/p/MwNOG – Rascal won’t hold still for a missing cat photo #
- 00:07 ping.fm/p/gFMhz – Boo chilling after the adventure of being gone for 3 days #
- 00:19 ping.fm/p/HWfel – Rascal photo in case I need a missing cat photo #
- 00:34 ping.fm/p/OrIQp – Twffbdt #
- 00:35 ping.fm/p/Bt96g – Get that camera out of my face #
- 01:21 I wrote 306 words in 13 minutes with Write or Die! ping.fm/7gskJ #
- 01:41 OMG ShadowCon has aWikipedia entry. Granted there are 2 diff Cons by that name, but ours has more txt ping.fm/n8oLh #
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