Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 10:40 A small town Hardee’s breakfast is hilarious. Seating is so tight you may have to sit with someone you don’t know well. #
- 10:42 I was wondering how l/burg hardee’s stayed in business. Now I know the answer. Breakfast. #
- 12:23 Headed home. #
- 17:24 Home. But I wish I could be in Memphis. #
- 18:26 Huey’s *whine* #
- 18:54 @amelia_book witch. #
- 20:21 D.B. Sweeney is a priest on Leverage. #
- 22:28 I am trying to spend 10 minutes writing every night. I’m finding I can force myself past a small writers block. #
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