Just my random twitter scribblings for today.
- 00:40 Home. Kittehs are happy to see us. #
- 08:54 My boyz missed me when I was gone. #
- 08:55 Catching up last week TV shows #
- 15:48 SL Fash Note: Your Sim Looks Like Wal-Mart: I’m back home from Memphis. It was a rea.. tinyurl.com/3kbbnd #
- 16:36 Boo is sitting on my lap. #
- 16:52 Mac OSX update to 10.5.5 is now available #
- 17:04 I am folding laundry to procrastinate getting ready for work #
- 17:35 iTunes won’t open on my computer 🙁 #
- 21:26 @demonasolace hold down menu & the center button to reboot your iPod #
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