Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 09:15 I’m debating. Do I want to go to iHOP for breakfast? #
- 00:05 @demonasolace You may need to move some boxes, but sure. And bring your own pillow. #
- 00:26 Boo is perched on my lap & purring. #
- 00:48 SL Fash Note: Fashion Database: Okay so this may or may not be a good idea, but I’d .. tinyurl.com/6m7kda #
- 01:45 @drhorrible Yes we do miss you. We want more. 🙂 #
- 01:48 SL Fash Note: One Vest Two Looks:
I found this vest as a freebie at M&R Cupcakes. Cai.. tinyurl.com/6xtgrx # - 02:48 SL Fash Note: Tuli:
Tuli released a special few items at her small shop in Amicitia. This.. tinyurl.com/6hc272 # - 04:48 I just listed 5 more books on my BookMooch. Luckily all 5 are listed on people’s wishlists so they may get taken. #
- 05:41 @lethann it sure is. #
- 06:00 My text meassage that I sent at 8 pm just comes through twitter at 6 am. How messed up is that? #
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