Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 14:21 Skinny Dipping has fallen from 2nd to 3rd Most Popular Ficlet 🙁 ficlets.com/stories/29073 Go read and boost it back up #
- 19:43 @lethann yes I did go get the card at micro center #
- 19:47 SL Fash Note: Emma:
Mischief had a sale, how could I resist? This is kind of a Fall previ.. tinyurl.com/5tc9yu # - 21:03 @erroch how cute #
- 21:21 @Amelia_Book so sorry to hear that. #
- 21:27 I opened the Gas bill to find out how much was due. We had a $5 credit. YAY! #
- 01:07 In Plain Sight I now absolutly love Rafe. He was ok before. Now he ROCKs & is very bad boy. But I still ship him & Brandy instead of Mary. #
- 03:35 The film Lord of War has the best soundtrack. #
- 04:26 On BookMooch I now have 148.3 points. And I still have lots of books (78 books) that I want to get rid of. #
- 04:45 My hair is now long enough to braid. #
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