Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 15:16 I actually slept the full time I meant too. First time I’ve slept at least 7 straight hours in a month. #
- 15:37 @scifirantergirl I have 3 cats myself. My coworkera think i’m crazy for it. #
- 15:57 @scifirantergirl The good thing w/ my coworkers is they currently ONLY think the cats are my ONLY insanity. Boy are they fooled. #
- 15:59 I now have a brown car on GasBuddy.com for reporting gas prices. #
- 16:11 I was poking around in my GasBuddy.com profile. I joined 2 years 299 days ago. #
- 16:55 20 days left in my Evernote month and I’ve already used 1.3 MB surpassing the previous month total usage. #
- 16:59 @scifirantergirl Poor willow. Give her some pettins. #
- 18:00 iPhoned a Piccadilly’s opportunities(?) _______. tinyurl.com/56t5tx #
- 19:24 @lethann it was supposed to be I found a picadilly cafeteria #
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