Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 02:00 Evernote usage after a bunch of phone photos today. 922KB used out of 40MB. 22 days left in this month’s cycle. #
- 02:20 LoudTwitter isn’t compiling my tweets for my blog. Their site blames Twitter. #
- 03:15 @lethann No Loudtwitter to blog was having issues with Twitter. #
- 04:02 I have a Rascal cat on my lap. #
- 10:10 @lethann it’s ok #
- 12:15 Can. Not. Sleep. #
- 12:16 I’m going to have to have massive amounts of caffine to make it through the night. #
- 12:22 Wondering if I should clean out the garage so that if friends come over we can put a car in there to make room in the driveway. #
- 15:55 @Amelia_Book Have you taken anything for the headache? #
- 16:26 How’s this for funny. Laredo’s Mexican resturant is on the Upromise Dining Program. #
- 17:56 I got a call from my cousin. They are having kayaking this weekend and canoing, kayaking up in Galanica(?). Don… tinyurl.com/5up3hq #
- 22:03 @amelia_book the brain quicksilver thing was funny #
- 22:09 @Amelia_Book do you need to upload info out of your brain? #
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