Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 10:22 @erroch I like it I can set something playing and I don’t have to get up to change it. #
- 10:38 I have a bunch of new followers in the past few days. *waves at everyone* #
- 10:42 @jezabellbarbosa I have used iTunes for quite a while. I really enjoyed the smart playlists feature. The remote let’s me even change pla … #
- 12:26 @CaliLewis That iPhone feature was in a previous update I think. Cause before the update I could double tap the home button to go to Pho … #
- 13:11 @Amelia_Book Where’s the Eureka Commercial? #
- 13:12 @Amelia_Book drats. I want to see that. #
- 13:49 @Lethann Funny. So am I…. (playing with Pandora radio) #
- 13:50 I am eating leftovers. I know @lethann & @Amelia_Book are dying of shock. #
- 14:06 I’m on pandora as agd.tanya@gmail.com if you want to add me to your f-list. #
- 15:44 @lethann Have fun. #
- 17:16 I need to hit the grocery store #
- 19:03 Groceries done. #
- 19:09 I am home #
- 19:59 McDonald brought me his toy to play with. #
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