Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 07:02 Boo is sitting on my lap purring away. #
- 07:07 Watching TwiTlive.tv they are having a live stream from the iPhone 3G line in Manhattan. #
- 07:12 Oh well. headed out to work. Maybe I go out to get the 3G phone after I get out of work. #
- 07:28 Dunkin’ Donuts has good chocolate. They have white hot chocolate. tinyurl.com/68sphu #
- 08:14 If I wasn’t having to be at work I would have done the iPhone line again this morning. #
- 08:15 @scifirantergirl awwww how cute #
- 12:56 Lunch with some coworkera #
- 16:10 At perimeter mall. Will be here a while. #
- 16:12 @Amelia_Book definatley need to get the fashion police after that woman. #
- 16:24 @Amelia_Book 🙂 Yep. Line around the half of the mall. And it’s moving slow cause of activations. #
- 16:26 @scifirantergirl Facebook could have been Eureka’s phone directory. IMHO #
- 16:33 good thing I am sitting at the mall. The whole ATL freeway system is a parking lot. #
- 16:39 @amelia_book Are you at home? #
- 16:44 @Amelia_Book How are the boys? #
- 16:46 @Amelia_Book Owwwww. Poor babies had their terreitory invaded by a DOG. #
- 16:50 @Amelia_Book You will be shunned. #
- 16:52 @Amelia_Book you don’t care if they’re mad. #
- 16:59 Getting to be about 3/4 the way down the back side of the line. #
- 17:01 Seen the black and the white phone. Decisions. #
- 17:05 @Amelia_ book & @lethann Where are ya’ll going? #
- 17:08 @Amelia_Book ohhhh. But I am sorta having fun in line chatting with folks. #
- 17:23 @Amelia_Book Ouch. Someone here just told me they called all the AT&T stores along the xorrider and they were sold out. #
- 17:27 They passed out Chickfilea nuggets to everyone in line. #
- 17:35 @lethann Can you and Quu buy from an Apple store or does it Have to be ATT? #
- 17:37 @amelia_book I figured it might have been since Quu was corporate. #
- 18:11 @amelia_book don’t unplug. Quu says Apple’s servers are failing under the load of activations #
- 18:12 And unplugging will not help you get in faster #
- 18:14 @lethann ouch sorry #
- 19:07 I am halfway through line. Got low batt. #
- 19:12 so twitted followers… Your opinion white or black? #
- 20:19 The lady in front of me offered to pick up me some food. (Her Hubby is holding the spot). #
- 20:33 @amelia_book 4 hours of standing around with nothing to do but talk to fellow apple geeks. #
- 21:03 10 from the front. #
- 21:40 I made it inside #
- 21:42 @amelia_book I understand what you meant #
- 22:42 Because of the FAN # on my account apple cannot set me up tonight #
- 22:47 The people that were in front of my in line were very sympathetic. #
- 23:11 Me too. Want to go to the mall in the am? #
- 00:00 I am home. No 3G iphone today. I do have ticket for tomorrow to bypass the line. #
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