Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 02:33 McD is crawling inside my purse. Guess he wants to go. #
- 10:46 SL Fash Note: Zaara:
Photo Credits: Poses – AnaLu fresh poses; Skin – Another skin – Le -.. tinyurl.com/5fnqgd # - 11:47 SL Fash Note: Dainty Darling:
This lace blouse and camisole from Mischief go perfectly wi.. tinyurl.com/5uwmw9 # - 12:52 awake. Sorta. #
- 13:43 done with shower. Waiting on @amelia_book. Boo is demanding attention. #
- 14:51 at 5 guys burgers. #
- 16:02 @lethann isn’t feeling well #
- 16:03 I have 9 days left this month and have only sued 1.1 MB out of 40 MB on www.evernote.com #
- 21:16 Just back from Ikea. Now about to go to Marietta Diner to eat. #
- 21:58 I like Lethann’s TomTom. If the 3g iPhone isn’t that good of gps I may get a TomTom. #
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