Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 04:28 Getting a snake bite vic #
- 07:39 I got a tourniquet(?) as going away present for my job and they made a story behind that. It’s rather longer st… tinyurl.com/3hkf38 #
- 07:50 [utterz] www.utterz.com/u/utt/u-NTEwNjE4Ng #
- 08:27 My head is hurting, I think I’m having a migraine. This could not could be a good time for it. tinyurl.com/5zjlbo #
- 08:47 SL Fash Note: Mischief – Summered:
Went to Mischief and spent way too much money as alway.. tinyurl.com/63xpkc # - 09:18 I’m home. I’m home. tinyurl.com/644jgh #
- 09:52 @Amelia_Book‘s car has a cobweb attaching it to the ground. #
- 09:53 Time for a twhirl update. #
- 10:03 In 5 years of nursing hadn’t had a snake bite until tonight. #
- 17:00 I just woke up to all 3 cats in bed with me. That hasn’t happened in a long time. #
- 18:24 I am awake. Kinda getting hungry. #
- 19:33 @scifirantergirl awwwwwwwwww #
- 19:44 Amazon your seller central won’t let me do inventory mangement. Why do I even attempt to use you? #
- 21:06 Yum. 5 guys. #
- 22:11 @lethann are you up and moving. #
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