Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 00:48 SL Fash Note: Muse Eclectic:
I’ve been trying to find the right outfit for the Muse.. tinyurl.com/5mdrur # - 07:47 SL Fash Note: Winter Flame:
A Relay for Life gown from Nikki Ree, as with all her work th.. tinyurl.com/3onpnx # - 09:08 I am slightly freaking out. I left my timesheet at home. And I need to get it signed Wed night so I can get paid. #
- 09:08 I tried reprinting my timesheet from the site. It’s NOT THERE!!!! I need it to get paid. #
- 09:43 Okay. I figured out how to get the PDF downloaded. Dang movee over to another site. #
- 17:39 Having no end of problems getting my timesheet printed. #
- 18:29 patrick is a good guy. He printed my timecard for me. Also his email is mrniceguy 🙂 #
- 18:33 OMG is replies back up on twitted? I mean you see the FailWhale often, but usually 5 min or so and its back. #
- 20:31 @amelia_book I really didn’t remember that much about it but I didn’t watch the original #
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