Image by thinkjose via Flickr
Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 02:06 I had my iphone plugged into Quu’s computer to charge. He renamed it Quu Rocks. #
- 03:09 Okay going to bed NOW. #
- 14:23 Boo woke me up. He wanted food. #
- 18:39 I am awake now. #
- 19:02 mcDonald is saying “merow” to the world. #
- 19:57 New fiction story up. www.fictionpress.com/s/2537870/1/Family #
- 19:58 I now have 395 XP and 206 gold pieces on www.chorewars.com and I just collected a Kitty Surprise. #
- 22:16 Just had TGIFridays. Now going to go see Wanted. #
- 22:59 watching the previews before Wanted. They advertise TV shows prior to films. I am amused #
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