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Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 01:46 SL Fash Note: Glamour Girl:
More Viva La Glam goodness. The gold version of the color-cha.. tinyurl.com/5uhjlg # - 02:50 Okay I really should head to bed #
- 03:15 English is a strange language, you can post(?) a letter at the Post Office or you can mail a letter at the Post… tinyurl.com/4bkf6k #
- 03:19 Raskul is just loving and loving mummy. He is a sweet cat. tinyurl.com/4aqept #
- 04:15 tried for about an hour. Can’t sleep. Will try reading something. #
- 04:57 I must say Amazon‘s Seller Central is difficult to use. Not nearly as elegant as BookMooch. #
- 04:58 Amazon, Do I really need to go through 3 pages to list a book to sell on the MarketPlace? #
- 06:18 Shipping out a total of 5 books today. #
- 09:35 Going to the UPS store to fax some stuff. tinyurl.com/6kxg2w #
- 10:07 I like living in the city. I just walked to the UPS store and back.
tinyurl.com/4k6txh # - 10:39 Snooch the loveable pyro twolumps.net/d/20080618.html #
- 11:52 I saw this one and almost spewed my drink. tinyurl.com/5wvnhx #
- 12:01 Boo has my spot on the bed. #
- 12:02 Post carrier has picked up the packages. Time for sleep now. @Amelia_Book wake me up by 8 pm. #
- 18:38 Girl Scout Samoas ice cream. Yum! #
- 19:01 I just spilled Coke on my laptop #
- 19:06 @lethann only a small amount and I cleaned it quickly #
- 19:09 @lethann Have fun in Nawlins #
- 19:47 SL Fash Note: Summer School:
A breezy look for Summer school, which I’ll be startin.. tinyurl.com/6l69zg # - 20:06 I think I’m finally getting Bento set up in a usable project management system with it’s own Contacts & Events. #
- 20:09 Retweeting @Amelia_Book: media.timesfreepress.com/img/news/tease/2008/05/13/Disasters2.jpg #
- 20:30 iPhone App that looks interesting UrbanSpoon restaurant finder snurl.com/2lej6 #
- 20:44 Those boys are picking up chicks younger and younger. tinyurl.com/5qsau9 #
- 20:46 Masi Oka (Hiro from Heroes) is going to make an appearace in Get Smart as a CONTROL agent. #
- 20:54 I think this is my cats somtimes. tinyurl.com/454hqk #
- 21:08 @demonasolace I don’t know what we’re doing for the weekend, but I have July 3-7 off. I’m thinking alcohol may be involved on my end. #
- 21:09 @Amelia_Book Boo just moved positions on the bed so he can enjoy the fan. #
- 21:16 1152 text message left, 360 anytime phone minutes. I don’t utilize my cell plan enough. Well except for the Unlimited iPhone internet #
- 22:46 Yahoo is having mass exodus on the execs of the services I use from them. Flickr & del.icio.us founders are leaving Yahoo. #
- 22:57 Hehehe. Playing with twhirl’s diffrent colors. #
- 22:58 I’m yawning. Wonder if I can sleep now. #
- 22:59 I think I have Bento set up how I want it for my Travel Nursing projects (kinda trying for a GTD flow). I can’t wait for the iPhone syncing #
- 23:04 @lethann have lots of fun. #
- 23:24 @lethann want to go? Remind me later. #
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