Image by Maia C via Flickr
Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 02:47 SL Fash Note: Gold:
New Shiny Things *drool*-Florina Collection. Look at that detail. [VG.. tinyurl.com/6okn9q # - 09:35 Home. #
- 09:43 @Amelia_Book needs a best roomie award. She stuck a fan in my bedroom so it would be cooler when I got home. #
- 09:47 @windowseat I almost always end up with a Kodak EasyShare. #
- 10:23 Okay. I really do need to go to sleep. #
- 19:04 @demonasolace Welcome to the adddiction! #
- 20:08 Listing some of the books to get rid of on Amazon.com #
- 20:13 Taking a break to go find some paper in the garage #
- 21:04 @demonasolace Install twhirl It will make Twitter easier. #
- 21:21 Finished entering books at Amazon.com #
- 22:57 Woot! ATL won on the road. This roadtrip has been good. #
- 22:58 McDonald is lovin the foot pettins #
- 23:10 I am so glad I’m off on the 4th of July! #
- 23:30 Now working on entering books at TitleTrader.com Glad I got this inventory over with #
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