Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post.
- 00:35 I was checking on my BookMooch Story. I just sent it to PA. It is on the wishlist for someone else in Georgia, someone in Ireland, & Canada. #
- 01:12 Okay, bed time. Hopefully a cat will deign to sleep with me tonight. #
- 11:26 Recycle truck just picked up my boxes. #
- 15:48 @lethann Mine seemed to show up pretty quick. But I only sent like 1 email at a time. #
- 16:15 naptime. #
- 19:33 I really don’t want to mow the lawn today. I just feel blah. #
- 19:47 SL Fash Note: The new loft: I finally got bored with the new york loft Tanya and I have be.. tinyurl.com/6rj5hq #
- 20:10 It is so hot I went downstairs for ice cream. #
- 20:29 I turned down the temp and it is still HOT upstairs #
- 21:52 I’m wanting basically Gmail filters for iCal. #
- 22:29 OMG! I’m up to 104.6 points at www.bookmooch.com #
- 22:38 Watching Ask a Ninja #
Sorry @Amelia_Book. Automatically shipped by LoudTwitter