Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 00:46 SL Fash Note: Megapreppy:
I couldn’t resist this top called “oh let’s b.. tinyurl.com/5elo9v # - 08:46 SL Fash Note: Mother’s Spring Day: Happy Mother’s Day. Don’t ask me why .. tinyurl.com/5p5m2d #
- 08:55 Txt ing with Amelia #
- 09:06 @lethann what are all of us avowed nite owls doing awake at this time. #
- 09:41 My cat has Attention Deficit Disorder. He doesn’t get enough attention. #
- 12:18 Why do I read reviews that I know will piss me off? #
- 12:23 @Amelia_Book Congratulations? #
- 12:24 I just left a bad review at hotwire.com about my la quinta stay. #
- 12:27 @GabbyPanacek Well I love her comments about several of the characters, but she hates one of the characters I love. Oh, well #
- 12:39 Logged into SL. From mom’s DSL LITE! #
- 13:16 parents are home #
- 13:43 Joey has carpet burn on his knees. Kids were in a crawling race on carpet. #
- 13:46 SL Fash Note: I couldn’t think of a witty title:
Photo Credits: Bathing suit – SLAB.. tinyurl.com/6m9kwf # - 14:19 brother & sisterinlaw are at the house. #
- 15:09 The sour cream was sitting next to the cool whip. Guess which one ended up on the strawberries #
- 16:04 Taking SL pics. #
- 17:41 Darwin award tinyurl.com/56so54 #
- 17:43 preparing for the vet appointment hehehe tinyurl.com/5hmhcv #
- 21:34 crossing the Tennessee River. #
- 21:47 We are in chattanooga. #
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