Just my random twitter scribblings. Twitter helps with making a really random blog post. Sorry @Amelia_Book
- 00:27 I should be going to bed now. #
- 07:11 I woke up around 5:30 am. #
- 07:12 The network attached storage is borked. #
- 08:39 I think I need to restart my laptop. #
- 09:00 just woke up @amelia_book #
- 15:24 Just helped Tom move a lot of stuff. #
- 15:24 Just helped Tom move a lot of stuff. Shower now. #
- 16:21 twhirl is messing up and not loading my messages. #
- 19:47 Cat toys: tinyurl.com/5jp7ss #
- 20:02 Exorcising demons tinyurl.com/5gpvgj #
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